It would require one organisation to be responsible for the population of new worlds then to let them grow and prosper. Placing humanity on a new world and survive was no simple matter or a task which could be carried out by simple force. As the Crusade set off and multiple worlds which were habitable but had no human presence, it was decided that humanity must take grow into new lands as well as those they already held. The Emperor had watched in hiding from Terra as humanity tore itself asunder before he reunified the cradle of humanity, Terra into one world and then set out. This led to a great amount of worlds which had become uninhabited or taken over by Xenos and would give room for later resettlement. The Age of Strife led to all of the human colonies being cut off from each other and slowly devolving into a technological recession along with the destruction of countless settlements. More colonies continued to be made with the Warp Drive fuelling expansion until the various cataclysmic events caused the Age of Strife
This led to a lot of valuable knowledge about colonizing to be taken in but it was never properly shared out as there was no central repository for it. Now they could learn which of the sub-light travelled colonies had survived and how. With the discovery of the warp drive and navigator gene suddenly colonization massively increased. Many of these colonies were founded by independent nation states who never coordinated both the placement of their colonies and the best method of establishing one. When Humanity first discovered a means to leave Terra they started off with small exploration to the Solar System but in time there technology grew more advanced and they began to leave the Solar System Albeit with sub-light craft and although colonies were made they were massively isolated from each other and had to be totally self- sufficient colonies.